Course Type:
Short Course
Study Mode:
Part Time
8.00am - 4.00pm (7 Sessions)

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Course Overview

If your current or future job requires you to disconnect and reconnect electrical appliances, it’s crucial that you learn to do this safely and efficiently. This course has been designed for those who are in trades allied to the electrical trade, including refrigeration, appliance servicing, mechanical fitters, plumbing, instrumentation and electronic security.

When your daily maintenance duties involve disconnecting and reconnecting electrical appliances, you’ll find this course extremely beneficial. Plus, this is a great qualification to have on your CV. Don’t forget to bring your own Insulation Resistance Tester (Analog).

Course Dates

Tailored Workplace Training enquiries

Qualifications and Recognition

Upon successful completion of the course participants will receive a Certificate of Attainment from .

Career Opportunities


Opportunities for Further Study


Further Information

Course and Entry Requirements

Mandatory entry requirements

Must have contacted Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) for pre-approval to undertake this course before enrolment


Not Applicable

Online requirement

Not Applicable


Course Cost


Materials Fees

Not Applicable

Specialist Course Information

On the final day, each candidate is required to pass a safe working practice (SWP) practical examination with an ESV approved assessor.

All students should be encouraged to contact ESV (Energy Safe Victoria) Licensing Department to find out what unit of competency is required for their relevant trade on Licensing and registration 1800 815 721 FREE CALL.

It is not unusual for ESV to not give the student a direct answer. Should these happen please follow below as a guide.

NOTICE: If you required to resit the ESV practical exam, you will not be able to do this for a period of 14 days after your failed attempt at any assessment venue.


Not Applicable

Pathway to Industry Licence

Material and Equipment supplied by students

Not Applicable

Student Services

Support is available for students at every stage of the study journey. Please speak to any of our friendly reception or teaching staff.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Many TAFE Gippsland courses offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Click to learn more about RPL and how it can benefit you.

Course Structure

Course Modules

Course units
UEERL0004 Disconnect - reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring
UEECD0007 Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace


Practical experiences, practical demonstrations, practical demonstrations in simulated work conditions, problem solving, examinations.