• On Campus

Course Overview

Course Type:
Accredited Course
Mode of Delivery:
On Campus
Enquiry Apply

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Course Duration:
40 weeks
Commencing in:
  • 2025

2025 Intake

Intake Date Campus Attendance Days
21/04/2025 Bairnsdale Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/04/2025 Warragul Monday, Tuesday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/04/2025 Morwell Monday, Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/04/2025 Sale FLC Monday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/07/2025 Bairnsdale Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/07/2025 Bairnsdale Monday, Tuesday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/07/2025 Morwell Monday, Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm
21/07/2025 Sale FLC Monday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm
06/10/2025 Sale FLC Monday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm
06/10/2025 Warragul Monday, Tuesday 9:00am-3:00pm
06/10/2025 Morwell Monday, Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm
06/10/2025 Bairnsdale Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm

About this course

Have you recently migrated to Australia? If the language barrier is holding you back, consider enrolling in this relaxed and friendly course.
Our Certificate I in EAL (Access) will help you develop basic English language speaking, listening, reading and writing skills directly related to immediate personal, social and settlement needs including numeracy skills and knowledge.

Not only will this EAL course make it easier for you to find work and make friends, you’ll also be given support and advice about building your new life in Australia.
You’ll meet new people, learn about local services and explore your further study options and career opportunities and learn more about Australian customs, money, education, health, transport, leisure, law and community and employment.
Taught on-campus for 12 months, our teachers will be there to support you every step of the way as you learn the basics of English. You will also receive support from our migrant community.
When you finish this course, you will be able to apply for further study and improve on your English skills. You may be eligible to study in 22639VIC Certificate II in EAL.

Career Opportunities

At completion of the Certificate I in EAL, students can enrol in Certificate II and III in EAL. At the completion of Certificate III in English as Another Language (or earlier) students can apply for further study in any chosen area. For example, Aged Care. Or apply directly for jobs in their chosen field.

Opportunities for Further Study

22484VIC Certificate III in EAL
EAL provides underpinning English language and numeracy skills that can be applied to entry into vocational and/or further study pathways.

Skills or Knowledge gained

English language skills and knowledge: reading, writing, numeracy, speaking and listening, pronunciation and grammar. Knowledge of Australian culture.

Entry Requirements

Are there specified requirements for entry into the course/qualification?: Yes

Mandatory entry requirements:

Entry to each EAL Course in / qualification must be determined
according to the following criteria:
• a participant’s current English language skills. (The Listening
and Speaking and Reading and Writing units in the
Framework will provide the basis for initial assessment
processes and placement of participants at the appropriate
proficiency level)
• a participant’s prior formal education experience, both
overseas and in Australia
• any prior EAL learning
• a participant’s learning and pathway needs including
employability skills, literacies (digital and other literacies),
and further educational and vocational training needs

Recommended entry Requirements:

Learners entering this course are identified as absolute beginners with remedial learning needs arising from limited or disrupted schooling. The minimum entry point against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) is Not Yet Achieved

Limitations to course Entry:


Minimum Industry Requirement

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Requirements

Will this course/qualification or a constituent unit provide a pathway to an industry licence or regulated outcome: No

Qualifications and Recognition - 2025

Upon successful completion of this course students will be eligible to receive the Certificate I in EAL (Access).

Work Placement - 2025

Does this course require placement?: No

Further Information - 2025


Fees and charges Government subsidised concession Government subsidised Full-fee paying student
Maximum full course tuition fee* (GST exempt)
Materials fee* (GST exempt)
VET Student Loans

Not Applicable for this course

Important information

Sample course units

VU23500 Plan language learning with support
VU23501 Participate in short simple exchanges
VU23502 Give and respond to short, simple spoken information
VU23503 Read and write short simple messages and forms
VU23505 Read and write short, simple descriptive texts
VU23556 Use limited digital technology language and skills
VU23557 Identify Australian leisure activities
VU23568 Locate health and medical information

The assessment for each course varies. It may include knowledge questions, practical skills tasks, projects, research work, on the job assessment, etc. Your assessor or educator will provide specific information on the requirements for your course.

You can expect that:

  • assessment methods are clear
  • assessment tasks are relevant and meet the requirements of your course
  • assessor or educator demonstrate fairness and lack of bias when assessing your work
  • educators will provide open and honest feedback about assessment tasks.