Hesitant about studying at TAFE because you’ve heard a few facts twisted by some people out of the know?

Student working at laptop

In your quest to determine what study option is going to be the right one for you, you’ll be on the receiving end of some pretty conflicting communication.

Forget everything you’ve heard. We believe that education changes people’s lives and we pride ourselves on giving everyone that studies with us the relevant skills to find a career they’ll love.

Can you feel a list coming on? Good, because here are the top five most common myths about studying at TAFE, busted!

  1. TAFE is too expensive

    Said no informed person, ever!

    Not only is TAFE a less expensive alternative to university, but many courses are also now Free TAFE! Ask us about it today!

    Like uni, we offer payment plans which means you can pay your fees off while you study.

    Also, you can study close to home, where parking is free. So put your gold coins away because there’s not a parking metre in sight at any of our campuses.

  2. TAFE-trained students won’t earn as much as university graduates

    Consider this myth, busted!

    Fact: A 2017 report by the Skilling Australian Foundation found that the median full-time income for a VET graduate is $56,000, compared to $54,000 for a university graduate. Go on to study at uni if that’s your plan, but just so you know, you won’t be falling short financially if you decide on choosing TAFE.

  3. It’s harder to get a job with only a TAFE qualification

    Check your facts people!

    Fact: A 2017 Skilling Australia report found 78% of VET graduates are employed after training, compared to just the 71.8% of Australian university graduates in full-time employment (GradStats report, 2017).

    Mic drop!

    If anything, you’ll be more employable. We are known for our hands-on, practical opportunities which allow you to develop non-technical skills – also known as soft skills – including communication, teamwork and problem solving. All these skills can be applied across different jobs and industries throughout your career.

  4. I’m limiting my options by opting to study with TAFE

    Your sources are misguided to say the very least.

    Think oysters…that will be your world. Work hard and anything is possible!

    If university is your ultimate goal, then why not use us to get you there? We don’t mind. We pride ourselves on being your steppingstone. And in the process, save time, and money!

  5. No ATAR, no entry
  6. Nope! TAFE does NOT ask you for your ATAR, so you can go ahead and put that score right away!

    We could sit here all day and toot our own horn. Or you could find out for yourself!

    Take some time to browse our website to find a course that suits you and your career goals.