Secondary students attending the 2023 Job Skills Expo this month are being encouraged to come and visit the TAFE Gippsland team to explore their future study options and career pathways in the region.

Young female student standing next to TAFE Gippsland banner

The annual Job Skills Expo, held at Lardner Park on 25 July this year, provides year 9 and 10 students with a plethora of information and practical advice about study and career pathways in Gippsland, showcasing the skills and jobs that make up the region’s workforce.

Director Educational Delivery Linda Austin said it’s the perfect opportunity for students and young career seekers to come and see what TAFE Gippsland has to offer them through VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VDSS) and career pathways once they’ve finished secondary school.

“Year 9 and 10 is the perfect time for students to be exploring what their post-secondary school options are and we'll have all our experts on hand to give them all the info they need to make an informed decision about their future,” Linda said.

“We’ve really ramped up our presence at the Jobs Skills Expo over the last few years in a bid to strengthen our partnerships with Gippsland’s learning community, as well as provide school aged children with an insight into the many educational pathways we offer.”

Students who visit the TAFE Gippsland stand will be able to chat to our cast of industry experts, take a career quiz to find out which vocational pathway might be on the cards for them and soak up the festive atmosphere that our teams have worked together to create for our visitors.

TAFE Gippsland staff working at Job Skills

Linda said there will be a strong TAFE Gippsland representation on hand to engage with the 2,500 plus young people expected to attend the event.

“Our displays will cover our many training qualifications including health, nursing, aged care, a large range of trades including those aligned to new energy sector such as electrotechnology, engineering and plumbing, visual arts, agriculture and hair and beauty,” Linda said.

“The team has also organised a DJ and some sweet and savoury treats for our visitors to keep their sustenance levels up for all that information gathering. It’s definitely worth a look in. We can’t wait to welcome everyone and talk about the great opportunities we have at TAFE Gippsland for those wanting to work study, live and work in the region.”