The way you manage stress is an important life skill and knowing how to handle and control it will serve you well when getting a qualification. Let’s explore a few different ideas that you can try when faced with stress.

Relaxed student


Stress comes from a feeling that we can’t cope, or that somehow, we are not able to do what we need to. A great way to counter this feeling of overwhelm is through organisation and planning.

Bit by bit

Let’s say that you've been tasked with an assignment that is due in two weeks. Although two weeks may seem like plenty of time to get it done, that doesn’t mean you should leave it until the last day. Instead, you should create a plan as to how you will complete the assignment.

Doing a small portion of it every day will reduce the amount of stress you feel and will also ensure that you won’t rush through your assessment. Not only will you feel calmer about the process, but you’ll also likely achieve a better mark!


Another key part of organisation is being completely aware of deadlines and when things are due. Is your essay due on the Thursday or the Friday? Staying on track will help you avoid that stressful feeling.


If something unexpected happens and you suddenly realise you won’t be able to hand it in on time, don’t stress out. Instead, think about things logically and ask for an extension. Explain your reasons, be polite, and your teacher may give you a few extra days to study and complete your work.

Relaxation Techniques

Sometimes, no matter how organised you are, you can’t help but feel stressed. It’s important to remember that stress is created by your mind and therefore, you can overcome it.

Deep breathing

Take ten deep breaths to ground yourself. This encourages your body to relax, let go of stiffness and tension, and focus on breathing instead of feeling stressed.

Acknowledge the stress

Acknowledge the stress out loud. Say, “Yes, I am stressed, and that is okay. What can I do to fix it?” This will encourage your mind to accept the stress and begin to let go of it, instead of drowning in it.

Take a break

Are you stressed because you feel frustrated? Maybe it’s time for you to take a break, then. Go for a walk or a jog and let your body flood with endorphins.

In general, getting some fresh air is a very useful way to reduce stress and frustration.

Fix it

Stress doesn’t magically appear. It has to come from somewhere. Perhaps your personal life is encroaching upon your work life, and you feel stressed because you feel like you’re running out of time to complete something.

No matter what it is, take a moment to think about the situation and come up with a solution. Prioritise what needs to be done, and work from there.


Stress is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should be controlled by it.

Firstly, don’t go it alone! We have plenty of resources here at TAFE Gippsland.

Our Student Wellbeing Team can provide options for you to consider as part of your overall wellbeing. They assist in mental health, relationships, work, and study. Student wellbeing can also refer you to community programs and services like psychology or counselling.

Download out Wellbeing Guide for some tips on how to manage your stress while studying, mental health and wellbeing.

View our external support services to find programs, apps and counselling services to help manage your mental health.