Mastering your schedule is one of life’s greatest skills. When study is involved, it is incredibly important to manage your time well. Here are some tips that you could use to organise your schedule and manage your time like a pro.

woman writing looking at watch

Planning is key

Stress comes from a feeling of an inability to cope or complete your work. The best way to avoid stress and to manage your time perfectly, is to plan. Everybody plans in different ways, but here are some suggestions as to how you could plan.

Use a diary

If you’re the kind of person who likes writing and then ticking things off, use a diary and write important events, due dates, and anything else you may need. When somebody asks you for your availabilities, you’ll easily be able to flick to a page and see if you’re free. If a modern-day diary is more your thing, try synching your phone with Google calendar or another handy diary-style app.

Make a list

Every morning, create a daily to-do list. This will help you stay focused throughout the day and will make sure that you manage your time efficiently each day.

Find a balance

Life isn’t just about studying, but it also isn’t just about socialising. It’s important to maintain a good balance, so that you feel focused and energised. To avoid burnout, try to maintain a lifestyle that equally balances study with other commitments.


In life, there are always things that take priority over other things. In your case, this may be saying no to going out so that you can stay home and finish writing your essay.

Prioritising may also involve choosing to work on one essay over another, even though the other one is easier to do. Be smart about your time and how you choose to spend it – and if you are, maybe you’ll be able to finish your essay in the afternoon and have an evening out.

Work smarter, not harder

You have an important paper due in a couple of days, and you’ve (smartly) followed our other tips and decided to prioritise and complete your work ahead of time. Then now is the time to work smartly by considering the points below.

No distractions

The next top tip to managing your time is to make time to do your work, and to work smartly. Remove distractions. Put your phone on silent and put it somewhere out of sight.

Set a goal

Next, on a sticky note, write exactly what you want to achieve for the day. Make your goal achievable and be as specific as possible. Having this goal to work towards will make you more focused, and it will also make you finish it faster.

Have breaks

Every twenty minutes, take a five-minute break. Alternatively, work for a longer period and take a longer break – whichever method works better for you.


Time management is a crucial skill for everyone to have, so we encourage you to reach out for assistance if you have any questions about TAFE and how studying with us would fit into your schedule. If you would like to discuss your situation, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.